Tattoo Removal in Klaipeda
Even a very beautiful tattoo can become outdated, boring and unappealing which is completely natural, because our tastes and attitudes inevitably change with age!
This is why specialists are continuously improving the technology allowing to remove permanent body art. Need a tattoo removal procedure in Klaipeda? We invite you to the VeAn parlor where we know exactly how to do it safely and effectively.

How is it done?
During the consultation with a specialist of the VeAn parlor, any client is always warned that it is impossible to remove the image with improvised means: the pigment has been injected into the deep layers of the derma.
There are many reasons for tattoo removal in Klaipeda! Every client has their own reasons for getting a tattoo removed:
- a design made at a younger age, under the influence of emotions, no longer seems attractive;
- looks aesthetically unpleasing because of weight loss or gain;
- radically disliked by a partner or spouse;
- disrupts the accepted style of the office image if made on the exposed part of the body.
In some cases, an unsuccessful design is simply “reworked” with another design, or new details are added. Radical removal of tattoos in Klaipeda, which have lost their relevance and attractiveness, requires several sessions and is carried out using modern laser equipment. A laser beam with pre-set frequency parameters is quite effective in breaking the pigment structure into small particles, which are disposed of by the body itself, taking them away together with the lymph. Unfortunately, it is not possible to remove even the most modest-sized pattern in one procedure—you will have to visit the specialist several times.

What does the number of
treatments depend on?
How many treatments does it take to remove a tattoo completely?
To answer this question, the specialist evaluates all the important parameters:
- the size of the pattern;
- the color scheme—it is determined by the pigment composition;
- the depth of the ink penetration;
- the “age” of the pattern.
You will learn how many treatments you will need right at the initial consultation. The client should be prepared for some slight swelling and redness, which will subside in a short time. In case of a low pain threshold, the specialist uses local anesthetics. The treatment is carried out in sterile conditions in accordance with the standards accepted in this sphere of services.

Who is it contraindicated for?
An important question is who is contraindicated for laser tattoo removal procedure in Klaipeda.
It is very important not to withhold existing contraindications from the specialist, especially since they are not many, and some are of temporary nature. The main contraindications to tattoo removal include:
- skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema), especially if the area of the body with the pattern is affected;
- increased skin scarring;
- pregnancy and breast-feeding—it is not advisable for women during this period to subject themselves to stress due to painful sensations;
- “gold threads” or a pacemaker;
- fresh sunburns;
- mental disorders and epilepsy—stress might affect such a client's overall condition;
- cancer, diabetes, hepatitis, HIV
- cardiovascular issues.
In addition, the VeAn parlor specialists do not carry out any procedures to clients who are intoxicated.
Note that the tattoo removal procedure in Klaipeda is no less demanding and meticulous than the inking of a pattern, and it can be entrusted only to true professionals.