Tattoo Courses in Klaipeda
Nowadays, tattoos in various styles are enjoyed by women and men, and the services of a talented artist are always in demand and well-paid.
If you are good at drawing, enthusiastic about beautiful body art and dreaming of a career as a tattoo artist, you can take a training course under the guidance of an experienced qualified artist, who will be happy to share professional secrets with you. The VeAn tattoo parlor offers tattoo courses in Klaipeda from the best professionals in the field of artistic body modification.

What is there to learn?
Learning the art of tattooing in the VeAn parlor includes theoretical and practical training.
Our specialists develop and improve programs, which will allow you to work independently, inking patterns on different parts of the body and creating compositions in different styles. Students taking tattoo courses in Klaipeda must have drawing skills or attend several fine art classes. Students must acquire basic knowledge in the process of training:
- the basics of tattooing;
- the features characteristic of different styles;
- professional standards;
- sanitary standards—you must know how to treat tools and the workplace before you start working;
- the basics of anatomy;
- the requirements for the working tools, their selection and preparation for work;
- consumables—you must be able to choose and mix pigments.
In the course of training, students learn how to retouch faded colors and conceal designs that no longer suit the client, learn the technique of transferring a design from a sketch to a part of the body, and master the skills of practical work, applying the design to the artificial skin.

Tattoo courses in Klaipeda:
what to choose?
Depending on what you want, your resources and free time, you can choose one of these tattoo courses in Klaipeda:
- Three to four hours of the art session will teach you how to navigate the types and styles of tattoos, learn about the specifics of the profession and how the equipment works, and how to work with a client. Taking the art session guarantees you a discount for the Premium course.
- A three-week Mini course will allow you to familiarize yourself with the types of tools and consumables, master the skills of preparing the workplace and equipment for work, prepare a sketch, transfer it to artificial skin, and work with the model under the supervision of a specialist.
- The Basic course, consisting of eight sessions, will take no more than a month to complete. On top of the standard theoretical knowledge, you will learn the peculiarities of solid ink application, work on contouring and colored patterns.
- The Standard course includes all the items from the Basic course, allows you to master the skills of working with color and outline, an in-depth study of one of the styles of your choice, as well as psychological techniques of working with clients.
- The Premium course takes three months, during which you can fully master the skills of outlining and coloring, learn different styles and fully master the direction you've chosen.
Upon completion of the course, you will receive a diploma, access to video lessons, a discount on the purchase of essential equipment and will have an advantage when applying for a job in VeAn parlors and studios. Tattoo courses in Klaipeda is a great way to learn an interesting job that will provide a decent income and loads of positive emotions.