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Klaipeda Certified Member of the tattoo association

Andrey Bednov

  • Tatuiruotė
Rating: 5 (24)
Klaipeda Certified Member of the tattoo association

Ksenia Kotelnikova

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Egidijus Jonusas

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Karina Sorokolat

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Laser Permanent Makeup
Removal in Klaipeda

Today, many women prefer permanent makeup, as it is a worthy alternative to the regular makeup, helps to save time and money spent on the purchase of decorative cosmetics.

But what should one do if they are not happy with the result: permanent makeup was done poorly, fell out of fashion, does not match the new look? We invite you to the VeAn parlor, where you can have your permanent makeup laser removal in Klaipeda—effectively and safely.

Laser Permanent Makeup Removal in Klaipeda

Features and advantages
of laser tattoo removal
in Klaipeda

Everyone likes quality permanent makeup: you can avoid spending money on cosmetics, be free of concerns about allergies to new products—and look simply stunning, regardless of the time of day, weather and season.

But most importantly, this makeup can last up to 5 years! And what if the result does not meet your expectations, was done carelessly or just fails to match the new style? In this case, the lasting nature of the permanent makeup becomes a major problem. But it can be easily solved by removing permanent makeup in the VeAn parlor—effectively and safely.

The technology is based on the ability of a beam of light waves with pre-set parameters, generated by a special laser device, to penetrate into the skin to the depth of the pigment and destroy its structure. From there, the body itself gets to work. The smaller pigment particles are gradually removed together with the lymph flow. In the hands of an experienced skin care professional, the device works only on localized areas of the skin, eliminating the risk of burns and irritation.

Laser Permanent Makeup Removal in Klaipeda
Laser Permanent Makeup Removal in Klaipeda

Our Advantages

It is important to understand that the permanent makeup removal procedure is a painstaking process requiring knowledge and skills.

It is impossible to remove unsuccessful, annoying or irrelevant permanent makeup in one go. Typically, the client needs at least three to five treatments to achieve the desired effect. The specialist will make sure to agree on the dates of all the treatments during the consultation.

Why should you come to our parlor for laser permanent makeup removal in Klaipeda? There are several reasons:

  • our parlor has advanced equipment that allows us to correct tattooing in a safe and effective way.
  • our specialists are properly trained and have the necessary skills and experience of such work.
  • we care about safety and comfort of our clients: the equipment and workplace are treated with antiseptic to eliminate the risk of infection and inflammation.
  • we offer local anesthesia to clients with very sensitive skin and low pain threshold.

Additionally, the specialist will explain the rules of caring for the laser-treated areas of the skin.

Laser Permanent Makeup Removal in Klaipeda

How many treatments
are needed?

The number of treatments required depends on several factors. To answer this question, you need to take into account:

  • skin type and condition—scarring will require additional treatments;
  • time interval from the moment of tattooing;
  • pigment characteristics—density, depth of injection under the skin and the uniformity of its distribution.

Since the procedure entails discomfort and may cause pain, these groups of people are recommended to abstain from it:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women—to avoid unnecessary stress;
  • those suffering from inflammatory processes, herpes, skin diseases;
  • those suffering from cancer, diabetes or hepatitis.

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