With the arrival of spring, nature awakens from its winter slumber, bringing with it a new surge of life and inspiration. It's a time when everything around us blooms, filling the air with vibrant colors and energy. But it's not just nature that awakens in spring – this period also heralds a time for new ideas and creativity.
And today, VEAN TATTOO is unveiling a new concept dedicated to the month of March – Renaissance 2.0. The Renaissance era, celebrated for its time of great discoveries and artistic resurgence, serves as a wellspring of inspiration for many contemporary artists and tattooists.
We invite all tattoo enthusiasts to immerse themselves in the world of the Renaissance with VEAN TATTOO. You can expect: creative designs inspired by this grand era, thematic photo zones, a new collection of limited-edition merchandise, and enticing promotions.
Each tattoo created within the framework of this concept carries a touch of the grandeur and beauty characteristic of the Renaissance. We invite everyone to visit VEAN TATTOO studios and experience the atmosphere of creativity that prevailed during that time.
Nepamirškite pasidalyti savo dizainu su "Opt.Ink"
Savo socialiniuose tinkluose žymėkite #optink ir #veantattoo.
Kaip jau žinoma, spalio mėnesį VEAN TATTOO tatuiruočių studijų tinklas bendradarbiavo su ne pelno siekiančia organizacija Junge Helden, tikslu atkreipti dėmesį į organų ir audinių donorystės problemas bei remti persodinimo laukiančius pacientus.
Šiandien pranešame, kad 14 VEAN TATTOO tatuiruočių salonų, esančių Vokietijoje, ir 9 VEAN TATTOO tatuiruočių studijos, esančios Lenkijoje, yra pažymėti Junge Helden žemėlapyje:
- Balstogė
- Gdansko Centras
- Gdanskas Vžešč
- Katovicai
- Krokuva
- Krokuvos Centras
- Poznanė
- Varšuva
- Vroclavas
- Vroclavo Tatuiravimo Mokykla
Primename, kad norintiems tapti donorais organizacija suteikia galimybę nemokamai pasidaryti "Opt.Ink" tatuiruotę su pirminės formos, pagrindiniu eskizu. Be to, turite galimybę tatuiruotę papuošti kitais elementais. Papildomų detalių kainą galima patikslinti susisiekus su pasirinkta VEAN TATTOO studija.
Oficialioje Junge Helden svetainėje yra žemėlapis, kuriame rasite VEAN TATTOO studijas Lenkijoje ir Vokietijoje.
Fondas „Nezlamna Ukraina" („Nepalaužiama Ukraina") tęsia savo socialinę veiklą, skirtą padėti vaikams, nukentėjusiems nuo karinių konfliktų Ukrainoje. Ukrainietiškų mokyklų atidarymas Lenkijoje buvo svarbus žingsnis siekiant išsaugoti ukrainiečių kultūrą tarp sudėtingose sąlygose atsidūrusių vaikų.
Sausio 12 d. Krokuvos "Pirmojoje ukrainietiškoje mokykloje" VEAN TATTOO komanda surengė meistriškumo pamoką vienuoliktos klasės mokiniams tema "Profesija - tatuiravimo meistras". Pamoka apjungė ugdymo ir kūrybinius aspektus ir leido mokiniams daugiau sužinoti apie tatuiravimo meistro profesiją.
Meistriškumo klasėje dalyviai sužinojo:
- kas tai yra tatuiravimo meistras;
- kokie įgūdžiai ir žinios reikalingi šiai profesijai;
- kur galima įgyti atitinkamą išsilavinimą.
Mokiniams buvo suteikta galimybė išbandyti savo jėgas šioje kūrybos srityje piešiant eskizus ant dirbtinės odos. Tai ne tik jaudinanti patirtis, bet ir galimybė jauniems žmonėms atskleisti savo kūrybinį pajėgumą.
Meistriškumo pamokos pabaigoje dalyviai buvo apdovanoti diplomais ir suvenyrais su VEAN TATTOO simbolika.
VEAN TATTOO komanda kviečia visus pasinerti į magišką šventės atmosferą ir kurti ryškias bei nepamirštamas nuotraukas unikalioje esančioje nuotraukų zonoje.
Galėsite pasinerti į naujametinės pasakos nuotaiką, nes "VEAN TATOO" komandos sukurta nuotraukų zona stilizuota kaip didžiulis sniego rutulys su tokiais personažais kaip tatuiruočių meistras Kalėdų senelis ir Grinčas, kuris pavogė Kalėdas.
Neįprastas Kalėdų Senelio ir Grinčo susitikimas, ar ne?
Kodėl pasirinkome būtent šiuos personažus?
Nes dviejų visiškai priešingų personažų - gerojo Kalėdų Senelio ir piktojo Grinčo - sąveika suteiks daugybę idėjų teminėms nuotraukoms kurti ir papildys artėjančių Naujųjų metų švenčių atmosferą ypatinga nuotaika.
Nepraleiskite VEANTATTOO naujametinės pasakos atvaizdavimo.
Gruodžio 1-ji — diena, simbolizuojanti globalinę žmonijos kovą su žmogaus imunodeficito virusu (ŽIV)/ĮINS. Šią dieną milijonai žmonių visame pasaulyje vienijasi, siekdami pakelti informuotumą apie virusą. VEAN TATTOO prisijungimo prie šio tarptautinio judėjimo tikslas – palaikyti ir painformuoti visuomenę apie ĮINS.
VEAN TATTOO komanda pilnai supranta savo klientų saugumo ir sveikatos svarbą. Todėl nusprendėme prisidėti ir palaikyti Pasaulinės kovos su ĮINS dieną. Šią dieną visas pasaulis skiria savo dėmesį šiai problemai, o visose mūsų tinklo studijose visame pasaulyje kiekvienas klientas galės gauti nemokamas kontracepcijos priemones.
Bet tai ne vienintelis būdas, kuriuo mes nusprendėme palaikyti šią kampaniją. Be nemokamų kontracepcijos priemonių suteikimo mes parengėme studijų klientams prieinamus informacinius maketus. Šios informavimo priemonės primins apie profilaktikos ir painfomuotumo apie ŽIV/ĮINS plėtimo svarbą.
Visi svarbūs sprendimai turi būti kruopščiai apgalvoti, o tikėti galima tik patikrintų ir patikimų šaltinių informacija. Ši taisyklė svarbi ir pasirenkant tauiruotę ar auskarų vėrimą, kur sauga ir kokybė labai svarbios.
Klientų saugumas — svarbiausia VEAN TATTOO studijų pirmenybė. Nes tatuiravimo meistrai turi sąlytį su krauju, todėl griežtai laikosi aukštų higienos ir saugumo standartų, kad užkirsti infekavimo riziką.
Mes raginame visus dėl paslaugų kreiptis tik į specializuotas tatuiravimo ir auskarų vėrimo studijas, kaip, pavyzdžiui VEAN TATTOO kompanijos tinklo.
Didžiausias pasaulyje tatuiravimo studijų tinklas "VEAN TATTOO" neseniai atšventė 12-ąsias veiklos metines. Per daugelį darbo metų aukštos teikiamų paslaugų kokybės ir kūrybiško požiūrio į tatuiravimo meną dėka įgijome puikią reputaciją. Ir šio reikšmingo įvykio proga nusprendėme savo klientus pradžiuginti maloniomis dovanomis.
Pačiai VEAN TATTOO geriausia dovana – tai pergalė. Todėl bendrovė įsigijo judrų pikapą, o Labdaros organizacijos “Labdaros fondas “Liūtai ant džipo” komanda padėjo organizuoti automobilio perdavimą Ukrainos valstybinės pasienio tarnybos Dešimtąjam judriąjam pasienio būriui. Automobilis tapo paramos bei dėkingumo tarnaujantiems fronto linijoje simboliu.
"VEAN TATTOO" toliau plečiasi ir auga, tačiau dabar esame dėkingi tiems, kurie buvo su mumis nuo pat pradžių:
- Talentingų ir atsidavusių mėgiamam darbui meistrų komandai, kuriančiai unikalias ir vaizdingas tatuiruotes. Jūsų menas kasdien suteikia įkvėpimo, ir mes didžiuojamės, kad tokios ryškios ir kūrybingos asmenybės įgyvendina savo idėjas VEAN TATTOO studijose;
- Mūsų tinklo klientams, kuriuos mes nepaprastai vertiname už tai, kad pasirinko ir pasitiki VEAN TATTOO;
- VEAN TATTOO komandai – tai didžiulė šeima, kurios darbas ir pastangos daro mūsų prekės ženklą tokiu sėkmingu ir atpažįstamu.
VEAN TATTOO nesiruošia sustoti. Jos laukia didelė misija - pakelti tatuiravimo meną į aukštesnį lygį.
Don’t forget to share your design with the whole world. Celebrate #optink and #veantattoo on your social networks
Per visą spalio mėnesį Junge Helden bendradarbiaus su VEAN Tattoo. Opt.Ink organizuoja donorų patraukimo kampanijas, palaiko pacientus, laukiančius organų persodinimo, jų šeimas.
As a part of this partnership, anyone who wishes to become a donor can visit the VEAN Tattoo studios in Germany and get a tattoo with the symbol of Opt.Ink for free. You can choose the appropriate salon on the map: https://junge-helden.org/optink.
The main sketch of Opt.Ink is a circle with two semicircles. It is a symbol of the gift of life – organ donation. Geometric figures also form the abbreviation from English. «Organ Donor». The design was created in such a way that it could be easily scaled, adapted to its own style, or incorporated into existing tattoos.
Opt.Ink sketch can also be completed, but the main condition is to leave the main symbol unchanged. The price for additional elements must be calculated in the chosen studio VEAN Tattoo.
VEAN Tattoo и Junge Helden bendradarbiavimas – tai neįprasta akcija. Organų donorystė – tai gyvybių išgelbėjimas, ir kiekviena šios kampanijos metu sukurta tatuiruotė primins šios temos svarbumą.
Naujas vaizdo siužetas apie VeAn Tattoo dalyvavimą SUPERBLOOM FESTIVAL jau mūsų Instagrame
Rugsėjo antrą ir trečią dienomis Miuncheno olimpiniame parke vyko didžiausias eklektiškos muzikos ir meno festivalis SUPERBLOOM Festival. Per dvi dienas renginyje dalyvavo daugiau nei 85 000 žmonių.
VeAn Tattoo komanda negalėjo praleisti progos prisijungti prie tokio unikalaus ir spalvingo renginio. O šiandien pasidalysime neįtikėtina šių dvejų dienų patirtimi ir įspūdžiais.
SUPERBLOOM Festival atnešė į Miuncheną laisvės ir kūrybos dvasią. Tai įvairaus amžiaus ir muzikinių pomėgių žmonių saviraiškos platforma.
Vienas iš išskirtinių SUPERBLOOM festivalio bruožų - dėmesys laisvai asmenybės raiškai, kur kiekvienas gali būti savimi: dėvėti spalvingiausią ir ekscentriškiausią aprangą ir taip išreikšti savo originalumą.
Festivalyje buvo įrengtos trejos scenos, kuriose skambėjo įvairių žanrų muzika. Pagrindiniai festivalio atlikėjai buvo Imagine Dragons, Ava Max, Martin Garrix, Sam Fender, Lost Frequencies.
Lankytojai taip pat galėjo ilsėtis ir pramogauti įvairiose teminėse "įspūdžių zonose" - nuo mados ir mokslo iki šokių ir akrobatikos.
Olimpinis parkas buvo puiki vieta, jo žaliuojančios vejos ir ežerai sukūrė puikią atmosferą poilsiui gamtoje.
Dvejas dienas meistrų komanda dirbo beveik be pertraukų. Padaryti savo svajonių tatuiruotę ar įverti auskarą būtent pas mus atvyko daugiau nei 150 klientų, tarp jų ir tie, kurie jau anksčiau lankėsi mūsų studijose.
VeAn tatuiruočių specialistai siūlė daugybę įvairių eskizų, nuo klasikinių nespalvotų piešinių iki ryškių spalvotų kompozicijų. Kiekvienas rado sau kažką ypatingo.
Festivalio lyderiais tapo šios tatuiruotės: mieli kačiukai su vynu, gėlių motyvai, užrašai subtiliais šriftais, širdelės, saulėti kalnai, erotiniai kontūrai ir siluetai.
Tai buvo tikrai didelio masto renginys ir mes dėkingi organizatoriams, pakvietusiems VeAn Tattoo dalyvauti jame.
New video about VeAn Tattoo at UNDERCOVER FESTIVAL is already in our Instagram
VeAn Tattoo continues its fascinating journey through European festivals. On August 25 and 26 we visited Warsaw to talk about the incredible atmosphere at the UNDERCOVER FESTIVAL.
UNDERCOVER FESTIVAL is the biggest event in this part of Europe, where the world tribute groups are represented. They express respect to any artist or collective, reflecting their image and stage show.
Festivalis UNDERCOVER pradžiugino gerbėjus ne vien alternatyvia muzika. VeAn Tattoo komanda sukūrė festivalio metu ypatingą aplinką, kurioje kiekvienas norintis galėjo ne tik daugiau sužinoti apie tatuiruočių kūrimo ir auskarų vėrimo procesą, bet ir tapti jo dalyviu. Kūrybinė atmosfera vienijo meistrus ir dalyvius, juk mūsų tikslas – ne tik padaryti klientui gražų kūno paveikslėlį, bet ir padėti jam pabrėžti savo asmeniškumą.
Each festival is unique and special, having a special style and theme. And in order to convey the identity of the event, our team of masters develops sketches, characteristic motives of the event.
Per dvejas dienas mes įgijome pastovių klientų, kurie džiaugiasi padarytomis tatuiruotėmis ir įvertais auskarais. Tai nuostabu, atskiri žmonės per keletą dienų padarė po 5-6 tatuiruotes.
Our new clients were people of different ages, who came over and over again, and each time they came with their friends: one company got 4 identical tattoos, couples preferred paired sketches, even children became part of the tattoo community by trying on temporary tattoos.
There were also raffles of merch and discounts on services. It was a great opportunity for fans of tattoos and piercings to get additional bonuses.
VeAn Tattoo continues its creative journey through unique events around the world. Follow our news to see which country we will visit next.
In our Instagram you can see the video report of the festival.
Summer festivals are emotional and memorable events that unite people of different cultures and interests. This year Latvia has organized an amazing event - the Summer Sound Festival, which took place from 4 to 5 August in a picturesque place on the coast of the Baltic Sea.
VeAn Tattoo team became part of this unforgettable event where our experienced and creative artists offered participants and guests of the festival a unique opportunity to beautify their bodies with the tattoos and piercing.
VeAn Tattoo is a team of talented masters known for their professionalism and creative approach to their work. Our unique design and attentive approach to each client have already made us popular in the world, and our participation in the Summer Sound Festival has been a real event for tattoo and piercing lovers.
During the two days of the festival, VeAn Tattoo gave participants an opportunity to become a “real canvas” for creativity. Masters offered a wide range of designs - from geometric patterns to floral motifs, from abstract compositions to realistic portraits. Each tattoo was unique and adapted to clients' personal preferences and desires.
One of the key features of VeAn Tattoo’s participation at the Summer Sound Festival was not only the professional work of our team, but also the ability to create a cosy atmosphere of interaction with clients to make this experience comfortable and unforgettable.
VeAn Tattoo’s participation at the Summer Sound Festival gave a new look at the interaction between art and music. Tattoo, like music, can express individuality, feelings and mood.
It was a bright and memorable event for all participants. Summer festivals are a place where the diversity of the arts is combined, and the participation of VeAn Tattoo is a great example of how a tattoo can become an integral part of this inspiring world of bright colors, sounds and emotions.
The tattoo salon “Vean Tattoo” has recently opened its doors in the UK in Wolverhampton and Walsall.
We are going to bring our unique style to this country by offering the city’s residents and guests a first-class experience in tattooing and piercing.
The tattoo salon “Vean Tattoo” has recently opened its doors in the UK in Wolverhampton and Walsall. We are going to bring our unique style to this country by offering the city’s residents and guests a first-class experience in tattooing and piercing.
We are well-known for our team of talented artists who are top specialists in various styles of tattoo, piercing and other types of services. Everyone in the “Vean Tattoo” studios has a special artistic vision and skillful enough to allows our clients realize any wish or request.
If you want to create a tattoo using an individual sketch, remove a tattoo or make a piercing - the masters of the “Vean Tattoo” studio are ready to bring into life all your ideas and wishes.
We also pay special attention to the comfort and convenience of our clients. Our studios are equipped with modern facilities and have stylish interior. We have created a pleasant atmosphere for our visitors.
Each “Vean Tattoo” studio offers a spacious and cozy space for consultations and discussions. Here clients can express their wishes, ideas, hesitations, discuss design details and get professional advice from experienced professionals.
In addition, “Vean Tattoo” offers comfortable waiting areas for clients, providing them with a comfortable staying in the studio. These areas were decorated stylishly and aesthetically.
All rooms are combined with a single atmosphere of the studio. Clients can relax enjoying pleasant music or browsing the masters’ portfolio.
On the web-site you can see the schedule, the catalog of masters and their portfolio, find out prices for all services, as well as to make an appointment at the salon.
VEAN BUS is an innovative project that is a mobile tattoo and piercing studio decorated in the style of street art.
VEAN BUS is equipped with a team of experienced and qualified tattoo and piercing artists, who offer their services in a comfortable and safe environment. The entire process is conducted in accordance with the highest standards of hygiene and using modern equipment to guarantee the safety and comfort of the clients.
VEAN BUS offers a wide range of services that will change your image. You can choose a tattoo of any style, size, and create a unique design that will reflect your personality. In addition, piercing masters will help you bring ideas to life with original jewelry.
VEAN BUS is not only a place where you can change your appearance, but also a source of amazing gifts and souvenirs, unique items and accessories. Here you can find unique jewelry, clothing items, as well as other attributes of the company. All goods are author's and have special aesthetics.
VEAN BUS offers you a full journey into the world of art and self-expression. Here you can not only renew your image, but also meet talented masters.
If you are looking for a unique experience and an opportunity to transform your style, VEAN BUS is the perfect place for you.
VEAN BUS is waiting for you with open doors.
We will be launching a new updated version of the bus for our VEAN TATTOO PRO TEAM very soon.
Keep following our news to stay up-to-date with the company!
WAVE TATTOO FEST 2021 - https://tattoo.ua/uk/fest/wave-tattoo-fest-iii
Online Tattoo Fest I - IV - https://tattoo.ua/uk/fest/online-tattoo-fest-iv
VEAN TATTOO is interested in the development of tattoo culture in the world. We strive to take the tattoo industry to a whole new level, so for the artists there are a variety of master classes to improve their skills and annual conventions, where everyone can demonstrate their skills and compete for the title of the best tattoo artist in their style.
Such events are an opportunity for an artist from any country in the world to compete for monetary rewards and prizes from partners. Also, this is an opportunity for professional growth through open criticism of the jury and demonstration of one's own skills.
Tattoo conventions set goals for themselves:
- definition of service standards through the promotion of professions;
- encouragement of practitioners (tattoo artists) to continuous professional growth, advanced training;
- promotion of creative development and business growth;
- identification of the best specialists in the professions.
Also, master classes are held at tattoo conventions, where all guests of the event can learn the art of tattooing, PMU or piercing.
Such competitions always gather a large number of specialists, body painting enthusiasts, those who are interested in everything related to body modifications. Eminent artists, models, musical groups, representatives of alternative professions - body art and mehendi are always invited to the tattoo convention. Also, within the framework of the tattoo convention, a demonstration and exhibition and sale of professional equipment, certified consumables are held. According to the results of the competition, the participants are awarded diplomas and certificates, and the winners are awarded valuable prizes.
VeAn Tattoo is the largest network of tattoo studios in the world. We are a company that has created many successful projects, which include:
- Support for tattoo artists and businesses: training, seminars and consultations aimed at improving the skills of artists.
- Own Vean Tattoo store, which sells products for tattoo artists. The store has a wide range of products, including tattoo machines, paints, needles and other necessary accessories.
- A production line for making branded products such as clothes, cups, bags, magnets, candies and more.
VeAn tattoo also supports the international association, cooperates with the trade union of associations.
VeAn tattoo is a huge investment project that provides assistance to artists and invests in other tattoo studios.
Are you a legit artist with your own client base and want to open your own studio? Contact us. We will help with registration (documentation) and start-up capital.
To learn more about the terms of cooperation, leave a request on the page - /https://vean-tattoo.com/en/obuchenie/arenda-mesta
Anyone can apply for membership in the "National Association of Tattoo, PMU and Piercing Masters" by filling out the form on the website.
"Association of Tattoo, PMU and Piercing Masters" expands its horizons and now we are in Europe!
The National Association is an organization that brings together artists related to tattoo culture in Europe.
The Association is interested in the development of tattoo culture in the world, therefore, a variety of advanced training workshops and annual festivals are held for masters, where everyone can demonstrate their skills and compete for the title of the best master in their style.
For those registered in the database, this is additional advertising on the portal, where everyone can introduce themselves, put up a personal portfolio, diplomas, certificates, awards, etc., and, thanks to the rating and feedback system, rise to the top of search results in their city.
"National Association of Tattoo, PMU and Piercing Masters" is negotiating with tattoo studios in Germany, Poland and Ukraine to help all members of the organization find a comfortable place to work. If you are not ready for drastic changes, there is an opportunity to try yourself as a guest artist, or rent a workplace for a short period.
Any artist or team related to the tattoo industry can become a member of the Association, who can count on the support and recommendations of the organization, the trust of clients, the expansion of the client base, as well as employment abroad and legal protection.
VeAn Business Group is a company with extensive experience in running and building various businesses, which is engaged in the promotion and development of projects, business start-ups in Ukraine and Europe. Our company has more than 50 successful projects that are developing and scaling.
The main feature of VeAn Business Group is free assistance to start-up entrepreneurs in Ukraine and Europe, and the goal is to help your business become promising and successful, avoiding mistakes, building a system of accounting, control, advertising and marketing.
Our experienced professionals will help you:
- with the maintenance and promotion of accounts in social networks, which will be not only attractive, but most importantly - profitable;
- set up a continuous sales and accounting process;
- minimize customer losses;
- increase the average check;
- stablish the stability of all internal systems and processes of your business;
- increase your brand awareness by making it more visible on the Internet;
- attract and keep the target audience, increase the number of online applications and the profitability of advertising.
If you have an idea for your own business, but don't know where to start, fill out an application on the VeAn Business Group, and we will contact you to find an individual way to develop your business.
Vean tattoo network is the most successful tattoo project in Europe. To date, 120 studios have been opened in 8 countries.
We are also proud to be distributors and partners with global brands in the tattoo industry. For 10 years of our work, everything has been created for a successful business and the development of our company. And we don't intend to stop there! Moreover, the brand strives to bring this area to a fundamentally new level and scale across all European countries!
In this regard, our team is actively working on the development of our own brands. We have an organized and well-established production of goods and equipment for tattoo artists in Ukraine and Poland.But that's not all! VeAn is hard at work building its own tattoo shops.
Investing in our project is a profitable offer and a profitable business at the first stages, since all products are of high quality and have certification.If you want to learn more about our brand, you have proposals for project management, you want to cooperate with VeAn or become an investor - contact us for a detailed product presentation - shut.alina.9771@gmail.com.
Everyone can make a charitable contribution with us at: https://www.gofundme.com/f/food-bank-for-refugees?member=21845061&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer
VeAn Tattoo joins a new charity project to support IDPs from Ukraine in Krakow, where the company's headquarters are now located. We want to be useful where we are.
The project is called "Land of Smiles" - it is a children's playroom for Ukrainian children who were forced to leave their homes because of the war. Experienced Ukrainian speaking teachers will take care of the kids’ comfort while the parents are working or doing other things.
The game room will provide children with educational games, new acquaintances, 3 meals a day, master classes and useful leisure.
The website for the children's playroom in Krakow can be found at: https://kraina-posmishok.online/
We are happy to announce that VeAn Tattoo surprises customers with a new collection of piercing jewelry, which is distinguished by a bright color palette, original design and wide assortment.