Laser tattoo removal
in Vilnius
Even the most beautiful tattoos can eventually lose their attractiveness or shape, become annoying and disliked.
This is absolutely natural, as our preferences and attitudes change with time. That is why experts are constantly improving technologies that allow you to remove some inscriptions and drawings on the skin.
If you need laser tattoo removal in Vilnius, then we invite you to the "VeAn" studio, where our specialists will do it safely and efficiently.

Reasons and features
of tattoo removal
In "VeAn" tattoo studio, our artists always warn each client at the consultation stage that the removal of the pattern cannot be done independently: the pigment is introduced into the deep layers of the skin.
It is important to provide laser tattoo removal in Vilnius to professionals.
Each client has their own personal reasons for getting rid of a tattoo:
- a drawing created in youth under the influence of emotions no longer seems attractive;
- the tattoo does not look aesthetically pleasing due to a change in the weight of its owner or has lost color over time;
- the partner or spouse does not approve of the tattoo;
- the new place of work has to comply with a strict dress code that prohibits tattoos on exposed skin.
In some cases, if the tattoo turned out to be unsuccessful, it can be corrected (overlapped) with another denser tattoo or supplemented with new details. However, if the tattoo has lost its relevance or attractiveness, its complete removal requires several procedures using modern laser equipment. A laser beam with certain frequency characteristics can effectively break down the pigment structure into small particles, which the body can excrete with the lymph on its own. Unfortunately, removing even a small tattoo in one procedure is impossible - it will take several visits to the artist.

Whan can affect the
number of sessions?
The number of treatments required to remove a tattoo depends on several factors: the tattoo artist evaluates the size of the design, the color scheme, the depth of ink injection and the "age" of the tattoo to determine the exact number of sessions required for complete removal.
A preliminary consultation will allow the client to know how many sessions he will need to schedule. During the procedure, slight swelling and redness may occur, which will quickly disappear. For clients with a low pain threshold, the artist can use local anesthetics. All procedures are carried out under conditions of absolute sterility and comply with the standards adopted in this field.

Who should not have
laser tattoo removal in Vilnius
Contraindications are another reason to sign up for a free consultation with aт artist.
After all, there are several non-obvious reasons why you should not do laser tattoo removal at all or you will have to slightly transfer the complex of procedures.
Let's see what contraindications there may be:
- if you have skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema), especially in the place where you are going to remove the tattoo;
- tendency to cicatricial formations on the skin;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding - the procedure can cause stress and pain in women during this period;
- use of a pacemaker or other similar devices, as well as problems with the heart and blood vessels;
- skin damage (burns, scratches, allergic reactions);
- diseases and mental disorders in which pain or stress can serve as a catalyst for attacks or worsening of the client's condition;
- also, contraindications should include: cancer, HIV, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus.
We do our best to ensure that the procedures we offer are safe for all our clients.